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:Advanced Macros
{deck:id=Content Formatting|width=907px}

h4. Content Formatting Macros

A set of macros that allow easy formatting of Wiki content.

h5. This plugin includes the following macros:
* *lozenge* - an attractive, customisable lozenge button
* *bgcolor* - set content background color
* *highlight* - highlight background of bits of content
* *Symbols* - insert a service, trade, or registered trademark.
* *center* - center content on screen (including tables, etc)
* *strike* - a graphical strikeout effect
* *clickable* - hyperlinks all contained content to a page or URL
* *roundrect* - an attractive customisable round rectangle
* *align* - allows you to left/right/center and justify-align your content
* *iframe* - allows you to create iframes
* *rollover* - allows you to create rollover effects

This macro creates a professional lozenge effect that's ideal for creating professional looking buttons or simply highlighting important information.
h3.The Code 
With an icon:
{lozenge:icon=!bell.png!|title=Announcement}Some important news here...{lozenge}
Without an icon and with a custom color:
{lozenge:title=Announcement|color=red}Some important news here...{lozenge}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak} Result
With an icon :

{lozenge:icon=!bell.png!|title=Announcement}Some important news here...{lozenge}

Without an icon and with a custom color:

{lozenge:title=Announcement|color=red}Some important news here...{lozenge}

h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak1} Parameters
|link|(x)| | if specified, clicking the lozenge will go to the specified link.|
|color|(x)| silver| The color of the left portion of the lozenge. |
|arrow|(x)| none or blue| Defines which arrow to use on the left portion of the lozenge:
* none (default if no "link" specified) - the arrow will not be displayed
* blue (default if a link is specified) - a blue arrow will be displayed
* green - a green arrow will be displayed.|
|title|(x)| |The title to show at the top of the main panel.|
|icon|(x)| |Attach an image (see above) or some text to the left of the lozenge.|
|width|(x)|347px|The width of the entire lozenge in pixels or as a percentage. Specify auto  to make the lozenge automatically stretch to fit it's contents.|

Sets the background color for a section of content. You can specify a background color using color names or hexadecimal color codes.
h3. The Code
Color names:
{bgcolor:green}green (default){bgcolor}
{bgcolor:#E47833}mandarin orange{bgcolor}
{bgcolor:#F08080}light coral{bgcolor}
{bgcolor:#CDB7B5}misty rose{bgcolor}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak2} Result
Color names:
{bgcolor:#E47833}mandarin orange{bgcolor}
{bgcolor:#F08080}light coral{bgcolor}
{bgcolor:#CDB7B5}misty rose{bgcolor}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak3} Parameters
{bgcolor:myColor}your content{bgcolor}
|default|(/)|green|The "myColor" default parameter defines the background colour for the content contained within the macro and can be either a common colour name (supported by most browsers) or a hexadecimal colour code (supported by all browsers).|

Allows you to highlight a portion of content. You can specify a color using color names or hexadecimal color codes.
h3. The Code 
{highlight:yellow}yellow (default){highlight}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak4} Result
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak5} Parameters
{bgcolor:myColor}your content{bgcolor}
|default|(/)|yellow|The "myColor" default parameter defines the background colour for the content contained within the macro and can be either a common colour name (supported by most browsers) or a hexadecimal colour code (supported by all browsers).|

Add a trademark, a service mark, copyright, or registered trademark
h3. The Code 
{tm}Like a Rock{tm}
Service Mark:
{sm}My Service{sm}
{copyright}2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology{copyright}
Registered Trademark:
{reg-tm}Registered Trademark{reg-tm}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak6} Result
{tm}Like a Rock{tm}
Service Mark:
{sm}My Service{sm}
{copyright}2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology{copyright}
Registered Trademark:
{reg-tm}Registered Trademark{reg-tm}

Use this macro to center a portion of content.
h3. The Code 
{center}Some centered content.{center}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak7} Result
{center}Some centered content.{center}

This macro is designed to allow a single page to have custom styles applied to it. The style sheet can optionally be restricted to specific media types and you can optionally import an external style sheet from a URL.
h3. The Code 
This style sheet will make citation text look pretty:
/* citation */
cite:before {
 content: "\"";
cite:after {
 content: "\"";
cite, cite:before, cite:after {
 font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif;
 font-style: italic;

Now enter some citation text:
??Some citation text??
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak8} Result
??Some citation text??

h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak9} Parameters
style sheet
|media|(x)|All|The media to apply this style sheet to, by default all media types are used.|
|import|(x)| | Optionally specify a URL to import an external style sheet.|

Adds a more graphical representation of -deleted text-.
h3. The Code 
{strike}deleted text{strike}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak10} Result
{strike}deleted text{strike}

With this macro you can easily and cleanly link entire blocks of text, panels and just about anything else that appears on your Wiki pages.
h3. The Code 
Visit the {clickable:I NEED HELP!!|HELP:Home}*Wiki Help Pages*{clickable} for support.
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak11} Result
Visit the {clickable:I NEED HELP!!|HELP:Home}*Wiki Help Pages*{clickable} for support.
{note:title=Make sure you use a graphical marker to indicate the link otherwise the it will appear as normal text}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak12} Parameters
{clickable:tooltip|link}body content{clickable}
|default|(/)| | The default parameter should contain a tooltip and the page to link to (which can be an internal or external link as desired.|

Creates a round rectangle with text or content.
h3. The Code 
Without a custom color:
{roundrect}Some Content{roundrect}
With a custom color:
{roundrect:bgcolor=#9966CC }Some Content{roundrect}
With a custom color and title:
{roundrect:bgcolor=#9966CC |title=Title}Some Content{roundrect}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak13} Result
Without a custom color:
{roundrect}Some Content{roundrect}
With a custom color:
{roundrect:bgcolor=#9966CC }Some Content{roundrect}
With a custom color and title:
{roundrect:bgcolor=#9966CC |title=Title}Some Content{roundrect}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak14} Parameters
{roundrect:title=myTitle}body content{roundrect}
|bgcolor|(x)|#C0FFC0|The background colour of the rounded rectangle, this should be specified as a hex value.|
|title|(x)| |The contents of the title cell, if required.|
|footer|(x)| |The contents of the footer cell, if required.|
|width|(x)|fit contents|By default, the panel width will stretch to fit it's contents, unless you specify a specific width.|
|height|(x)|fit contents|By default, the panel height will stretch to fit it's contents, unless you specify a specific height|
|cornersize|(x)|25px|The radius, in pixels, of the panel corners. This sets the defaults for the hSize and vSize parameters below.|
|hSize|(x)|cornersize|This parameter, which defaults to the value defined by cornersize, defines the width of the panel corners.|
|vSize|(x)|cornersize|This parameter, which defaults to the value defined by cornersize, defines the height of the panel corners.|
|antialias|(x)|false|Setting the antialias parameter will result in much smoother corners and enable the cornercolor parameter.|
|footerbgcolor|(x)|bgcolor|The background colour of the footer area (defaults to the same colour as the overall background colour bgcolor), this should be specified as a hex value.|
|titlebgcolor|(x)|bgcolor|The background colour of the title area (defaults to the same colour as the overall background colour bgcolor), this should be specified as a hex value.|
|corners|(x)|true,true,true,true|a comma separated list of flags stating which corners should be rounded: Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right.
|rows|(x)|true, true, true|a comma separated list of flags stating which rows should be displayed: Top, Middle, Bottom.|

Allows the aligning of text.
h3. The Code 
some content
Align right:
some content
Align left:
some content
Align center:
some content
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak14} Result
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetuer. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.
*Align right:*
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetuer. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.
*Align left:*
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetuer. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.
*Align center:*
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam fermentum vestibulum est. Cras rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed quis tortor. Donec non ipsum. Mauris condimentum, odio nec porta tristique, ante neque malesuada massa, in dignissim eros velit at tellus. Donec et risus in ligula eleifend consectetuer. Donec volutpat eleifend augue. Integer gravida sodales leo. Nunc vehicula neque ac erat. Vivamus non nisl. Fusce ac magna. Suspendisse euismod libero eget mauris.
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak15} Parameters
{align:alignment}your content{align}
|default|(/)|justify |*  left Aligns text and content to the left of the page
* right Aligns text and content to the right of the page
* center Aligns text and content to the center of the page
* justify Justifies text and content to fit the width of the page (default)|

Displays a web-page within a Wiki page.
h3. The Code 
{iframe:src=|width=500|height=500}Your browser does not support iframes{iframe}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak16} Result
{iframe:src=|width=500|height=500}Your browser does not support iframes{iframe}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak17} Parameters
text to show when browser does not support iframes
|class|(x)| | The class to associate with the tag. Multiple classes can be specified by separating them with spaces.|
|title|(x)| |An optional inline style sheet to apply to the tag.|
|style|(x)| |Optional extra information about the tag.|
|id|(x)| | The html ID of the tag.|
|align|(x)| |The alignment of the iframe (left/right/top/middle/bottom).|
|frameborder|(x)| |Whether to display a border (0/1).|
|height|(x)| |The iframe height in px/%.|
|longdesc|(x)| |A url to a page which contains a long description of the content within the iframe.|
|marginheight|(x)| |The size of the top/bottom margins of the iframe.|
|marginwidth|(x)| |The size of the left/right margins of the iframe.|
|name|(x)| |The name of the iframe.|
|scrolling|(x)| |Whether to show scrollbars or not (yes/no/auto).|
|src|(/)| |The url to be displayed within the iframe.|
|width|(x)| |The width of the iframe in px/%.|

Displays text when cursor hovers over designated area.
h3. The Code 
Basic rollover:
.test {
.test-rollover {
{rollover:class=test}{div}Some Content{div}{rollover}
Rollover with link:
{rollover:class=test|link=ADAPTAVIST:home}{div}Link to main homepage{div}{rollover}
Rollover with link and pointer:
.pointy-rollover {
{rollover:class=test|over=pointy-rollover|link=MITDASHBOARD:home}{div}Link to MIT Wikis{div}{rollover}
Outside webpages can also be linked to by entering the url in the 'link=' parameter.
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak18} Result
Basic rollover:
.test {
.test-rollover {

{rollover:class=test}{div}Some Content{div}{rollover}

Rollover with link:

{rollover:class=test|link=MITDASHBOARD:Wikis}{div}Link to MIT Wikis{div}{rollover}

Rollover with link and pointer:

.pointy-rollover {

{rollover:class=test|over=pointy-rollover|link=MITDASHBOARD:Wikis}{div}Link to MIT Wikis{div}{rollover}
h3.{toggle-cloak:id=cloak19} Parameters
{rollover:class=test}body content{rollover}
|class|(/)| |The name of the CSS class that contains the styles for the rollover when in it's default state.|
|over|(x)|class-over|The name of the CSS class that contains the styles for the rollover when it is in the over state.|
|link|(x)| |The page that the rollover should link to when clicked.|
|target|(x)| |An optional external target to also modify.|
|targetclass|(x)| |An optional class name to use solely for the external target (defaults to class).|
|targetover|(x)| |An optional class name to use solely for the external target roll-over state(defaults to %targetclass%-rollover).|

Wiki Markup
} = #6495ED
pluglib:Advanced Macros Plugin
Wiki Markup