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Wiki Markup


h2. {color:#800000}{*}Help Contents{*}{color}



h3. {color:#800000}{*}Search Wiki Help{*}{color}
h1. Group Permissions

h5. {color:#003366}{*}Accessing the 'Edit Permissions' Page{*}{color}

{color:#000000}1. Go to the {color} !browse.jpg! {color:#000000} drop down menu on the top navigation bar,{color}

{color:#000000}2. Click {color}{color:#000000}*'Space Admin'*{color}{color:#000000} tab and hit the {color} !permissions_link.jpg! {color:#000000} link.{color}

{color:#000000}3. The {color}{color:#000000}*'Edit Permissions'*{color}{color:#000000} page will appear.{color}

h5. {color:#003366}{*}Assigning Permissions to Groups{*}{color}

{color:#000000}1. Access the {color}{color:#000000}*'Edit Permissions'*{color}{color:#000000} page.{color}

{color:#000000}2. Find {color}{color:#000000}*'Group Permissions'*{color}{color:#000000}, it is the first set of permissions at the top of the {color}{color:#000000}*'Edit Permissions'*{color}{color:#000000} page.{color}

{color:#000000}3. Click {color} \!permissions_button.jpg \!{color:#000000} under {color}{color:#000000}*'Group Permissions'*{color}{color:#000000}.{color}
* To give a permission, check the corresponding box   !checked_box.jpg!.
* To remove a permission, uncheck the box   !unchecked_box.jpg!.

{color:#000000}4. Click  {color} !save_all.jpg!

h5. {color:#003366}{*}Searching for a Group{*}{color}

{color:#000000}1. Click \!search.jpg\!{color}

{color:#000000}2. In the{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}*'Group Search'*{color}{color:#000000} {color}{color:#000000}window, enter the name of the group. You can use an asterisk '*' as a wildcard.{color}

{color:#000000}3. Check the box(es) of the desired group(s){color}

{color:#000000}4. Click{color}{color:#000000} {color} !add.jpg!

{note}* *The group confluence-users represents every Wiki user; permissions you give to this group will be given to every user.*