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... -are your key to most of the secure web applications at MIT which do not yet use MIT Touchstone. Such systems currently include Benefits, Request Tracker, SAPweb, and WebSIS. Certificates are the preferred way to access MIT web servers and applications. The link at the star of this paragraph will take you to the IS&T page that provides lots of information about certificates, including how to obtain one.-

How do I know if I have an MIT Kerberos username and password?

Many MIT computer-based systems and services share the same username/password authentication service, Kerberos. This means a user has to keep track of only one username and password -- the user's MIT Kerberos username and password -- for many systems. If you have an email account at MIT that has an address that has with the form <username>@mit<username>, then you have an MIT Kerberos username, and most likely know its password.  If you are a member of the MIT community, or an affliate, you may need to complete your account registration in order to establish your Kerberos username and password. To do this and for more information regrading Kerberos read IS&T's page about Creating and Using Your MIT Kerberos Identity
