Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


After they cross the finish line, she stops the race and saves it.  The boat goes back to land and Victoria talks to Coach Jeff about the piece.  They pull up the data and run through it in real time, listening to what Victoria says and taking note on how it affects the different numbers (split, stroke rate, accelerometer readings, etc).  They decide that she should say "Let's take 10 strokes for MIT!" more often, especially near the middle third of the race, which is where the acceleration readings on the boat were lowest. Victoria sends the data to Jeff so that he can review it in more depth tomorrow morning on his copy of iCoxBox or on a computer.

Design 1: 

Main opening screen.  From here, Victoria can choose an existing race, or start a new one

screen 1: 

learnability: all affordances on the screen
efficiency: tapping is quick and easy
visibility: login state is visible on button and below, number of saved races/trails you have is visible
Err: nothing is irreversible

This is the create a new race screen.  She is able to enter the title of the race and adjust each of the items in the menu at will by a direct manipulation drag and drop.  From here she can start the race.  When she does, the thumbs disappear and the interface is locked-in and recording data.

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screen 2:
learn: affordances for dragging, deleting
eff: all things on screen, no dropdowns, quick and easy modifications
vis: all initial data bars are visible, and this is the look of the screen for when you start a race. bad things: ghost trail is hidden unless you are changing it. can't change audio from here (it's in settings)
err: nothing gets deleted, and movements can always be reversed

Before she can follow a ghost trail, she must select it.  This is the screen that appears when she clicks on the inside of the "Follow Ghost" UI element.  She can accept her choice or cancel to return to the race recording screen.

screen 3:

learn: choosing ghost trail shows in map. 
eff: scrolling through list could be tedious with lots
vis: check mark next to chosen trail and previous
err: can come back in and rechoose if necessary

Screen 4 is the same as screen three, but in Race mode, where the interface is locked and displaying real-time data.

screen 4: 
learn: only two buttons, everything else is static
eff: you shouldn't be editing anything, 
vis: any data not on the first screen is hidden unless you scroll, which most likely wont be done in a race
err: shouldnt be interacting unless you want to end a race, but race ending is final.

To save a race after it has been run.  This appears when she stops the recording.

screen 5:

learn: modal interface shows that you can only edit race name
eff: if you want to just use the default and go on, you still need to use this view
vis: previously entered race name is shown to user
err: can always change name later


Screen 1: Upon startup, the user sees a map with the locations of each of his/her races highlighted. There are buttons to zoom in on the current location and to go to options. Multitouch gestures are accepted.
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Screen 2: When zoomed into a location, the user can see old races (and their titles over the start points), as well as a button on the current location to start a new race from the current location.
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learn: This is the regular google maps interface on the iPhone
Eff: It isn't trivial to go to your current location and click on "new race"
Vis: Your current location in respect to other trails is visible. All races are represented and grouped logically

Err: All actions are reversible and there are no modal screens.

Screen 3: Once the user clicks on "new race", he/she sees a list of the recently used race screen configurations. If the user wants, he/she can choose one of those for the new race or create an entirely new configuration.

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learn: Every clickable action has affordances and are similar to other iPhone interfaces

Eff: It is not easy to compare configs

Vis: Configs are listed, but there are no details and you can't see your current location while picking a config

Err: Choosing a config is irreversible

Screen 4: The configuration editor screen allows you to move around panes of information and add/remove specific plots or pieces of information from the race screen. Once the user is set, he/she can start the race.

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learn: It is easy to determine which actions are available

Eff: You can't compare or copy other configs
Vis: This view is exactly how the race config will appear when you are racing. You can't see the notes for the race unless you are editing them.
Err: you can move elements around, which is reversible. removing/adding elements is reversible. The only irreversible action, beginning the race, is close to other buttons, which may lead to errors.
Screen 5: Once the race starts, the chosen configuration screen is no longer editable and begins showing data.

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Learn: This interface is the same as the config creation screen

Eff: The only button is end race

Vis: All info the user chose to include in the config is listed, but this isn't all the possible information for a race

Err: Since the user will only touch the screen to end the race, there shouldn't be errors

Screen 6: When the user is done with the race, he/she sees a summary of the race. Once a user is done, it returns to the main screen (large map with all races shown). If a user clicks on an old race, he/she sees this same summary screen.

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learn: affordances for places you can view mroe information
vis: all data for the race visible on one screen
err: only editing feature here is changing the title, which is reversible.

Screen 7: When the user presses playback on the summary screen, he/she is shown this screen. It shows the editable race configuration screen, but with added playback controls so he/she can play/pause and scan forward/backward through the race data. He/she can also add/remove plots of data while the race is playing.
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Learn: This is the same view as during the race

Eff: Same as other views with reversible actions. Comparing lots of data views involves adding/removing plots, which isn't efficient

Vis: All chosen state info is on the screen, you can add/remove other data if you want

Err: All actions are reversible.

Design 3:

This is the home screen of our tab-bar interface.  This is where victoria can select a new race or to replay an old one.
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Home Screen (#1):

L: simple interface with text dialog, and tab-bars at bottom (familiar UI element to iOS users)
