Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


For each iteration we had three users. For each user our observers recorded interesting reactions, decisions, and anything significant thing the user said. At the end of the test each user was asked if they had any comments to make that they did not state during the test.

First Iteration

Now I see it was Clark. Well Fidel or Clark if you are editing this I have all the user stuff but I only have like 5 minutes to do anything. So I'll just give it to you when I get back and you can add the rest of the user info. Everything else is done.

User 1

During Test

  • Confused by lack of "Reserve Room" tab
  • Hesitated after completing Room Reservation
  • Explores website by clicking on many things
  • Seems to like the use of two different areas to complete task
  • Shows dislike of extra "House Job" tab
  • Clicks on dates without hesitation (could be familiar with Google calendar, which is what our calendar is based on)


  • Ask for more feedback during room reservation
  • Suggest putting all things on just one page instead of a few on home page and the rest on a different tab
  • Suggest a renaming of Room Reservation in calendar list (currently RSVP)

User 2

During Test

  • Thought that the home page was HJ (change name?)
  • Wasn't sure what to do with the tabs
  • Tried to reserve a room on the home page
  • Tried clicking directly on the calendar
  • Thought that the bolded dates on the calendar were only for house jobs.


  • Would like the calendar to be bigger with more obvious information that's not initially hidden.
  • Also wanted the calendar to have some type of color scheme to represent what types of events are happening on what days.
  • Thought we should merge the list and the calendar.

User 3

During Test

  • Noticed the calendar first and was confused by what it was supposed to represent (reservations, jobs, or both).
  • Scrolled through the event list and tried to click on the even listings for more information.
  • Was confused about "HJ" and didn't know it stood for house job.
  • When we moved to the second task he quickly clicked on "Home" and then said, "Maybe I didn't need to do that."
  • Expected a calendar to pop-up when entering reservation dates.


  • He thought we needed a way to show the schedule of currently reserved times so he didn't accidentally schedule when the room wasn't available.
  • He wanted more menus when choosing date/time instead of having to type them in manually.
  • Thought that HJ list was redundant since it was already shown on the "current HJ" list.
  • Overall, he considered it a good design but was kind of thrown off by the lack of link affordances.

Second Iteration

User 1

During Test

  • Was confused about what week the HJ list was showing
  • "Why does the red X exist?"
  • Manually checked the calendar for conflicts before scheduling
  • Wanted to type into the date/time box instead of clicking
  • Concerned about cancelling completed jobs / accidentally marking jobs as done


  • Get rid of the red X
  • Make sure it can handle different types of date/time inputs
  • Make it more obvious how to go back to event details

User 2

During Test

  • "Is this week current?"
  • Wanted to click on the HJ tab initially
  • Thought that the green/red X was confusing
  • Tried clicking on the event names hoping that they were links


  • It's much easier for a user to check the RSVP calendar for conflicts instead of trial and error
  • Remove the X since the HJ colors are confusing
  • Move the check in front of the job title
  • Wanted more flexibility in navigation / have multiple ways to do the same task

User 3

During Test

  • Wasn't sure what it was possible to click on
  • Assumed you could type into the date / time fields
  • Looked around for an index of scheduled events and didn't like trial and error


  • Make the calendar more clickable
  • Show more data on the calendar

Prototype iteration

First Iteration
