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Overview of Departmental Services' Metrics Development


First, the The Metrics Framework table below organizes the current set list of DS metrics into a quasi-balanced scorecard format that is consistent across the areas in CSS.   Columns in the table are individual lines of business, usually headed by a Team Leader.  A second piece of the framework is a sub-section on metrics definitions and further documentation if needed about how they are produced

The actual values for these metrics are shown in a series of tables in the next section, where we present up to five quarters of data if it is available. Second, following the framework is a presentation of the measurements over five quarters if data is available.


Metrics Framework

In the table below, the left column marks off the "balanced scorecard" quadrants in our metrics framework.  Adjacent columns list by "line of business" the current roster of existing or potential metrics.  The metrics are in various states of development --
- bold face indicates "operational" metrics, with a defined means of production, and a historical record;
- normal face are for "possible" metrics, that aren't well established now but could be with a small development effort using existing systems;
- italic face  shows "prospective" metrics, desirable metrics that don't know have a path to becoming established.


Metrics Quadrant





Service Outcomes :
Client Satisfaction or Programmatic  Objective  

Client Sat Surveys slated to begin in Q3 FY10.

Client Sat Surveys slated to begin in Q3 FY10. 

Client Sat Surveys slated to begin in Q3 FY10. 


Service Utilization by the Community

AdminIT PM visits
Desktop Renewals clients

DLCs enrolled

Long-term SLAs

On Call SLAs 

VIP clients
Tickets Created
DLCs covered

Total machines


New Projects and
Already in Progress  

New SLAs and
SLAs Already in Progress

Resource Utilization
in support of the Service

AdminIT PM visits

Desktop Renewals

Bomgar sessions

Weekly Consultant Hours

Bomgar sessions

Tickets Created

Machines Upgraded

Bomgar sessions

FM virtual servers 

Process Performance

Weekly Consultant Hours

pending requests
typical time to resolve
ration of requests to staff

pending requests
ratio Time to Resolve
Level of staff availability
(goal = 100%)
Ratio of requests to available staff Ratio of consultants to staff compared
to higher ed industry standards

typical ime to resolve

off-hours requests

Typical cycle time per project by type

N and $ of DLC equipment cost-sharing
N and $ of DLC equipment ordered on their behalf.
time in reimbursement / cash flow)

revenue from on-call SLAs
Total SLA $

no revenue expectations

Expected revenue vs budget
cash flow

to be developed

to be developed

to be developed

to be developed

Definitions and Means of Production

A link to a child page of this page, where we find a table defining Existing Metrics, and a section describing or pointing to other work being done in Developing New Metrics (probably documented in the team wiki rather than here).The DS Metrics Definitions page holds a table listing metrics we have in some detail, and identifying measures we'd like to build. 

Five (or more) Quarters of Measures Presentation




Office Word
nameDS DCAD metrics.doc




Office Word
nameDS MDS metrics.doc




Office Word
nameDS DDM metrics.doc




Office Word
nameDS DS-PLUS metrics.doc


Team Leaders upload fresh versions of their metrics documents here.


