Versions Compared


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Geometry Characteristics

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Images from the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development (AGARD).



Design Trends

High Drag Coefficient is produced by...

  • Decreasing the porosity, which also produces a less stable parachute and a higher opening force.
  • Conical, multi-conical, quarter-spherical canopy shapes.
  • Long suspension lines because they increase the inflated diameter.


Drag coefficients, canopy area ratio, diameter ratio as a function of suspension line ratio...

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Images from the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development (AGARD).



S_o = canopy surface area including the vent area and all openings and slots in canopy, ft^2

C_D_o = parachute drag coefficient related to canopy surface area, dimensionless


x_o and x_p are interchangeable in this directory.


Other Considerations

Material considerations:

  • as porosity increases, drag coefficient decreases
  • low porosity yields a faster inflation time and generates a higher opening shock

Design considerations:

  • orifice coefficient
  • vent hoop: single vs double
  • larger parachutes = lower porosity


Geometries Compared

This section will cover different parachute designs that are relevant to our use case of the Phoenix drogue. Note: there are many other main types of parachutes that are not included here because their use cases were not appropriate for the Phoenix drogue goal.

Parachute TypeAdvantagesDisadvantagesRanking for Phoenix
  • low-cost replacement for the ringslot parachute
  • stable, design decreases oscillation
  • meant too be used more for aircraft, stabilization and slowing down of mines


Hemisflo Ribbon   
Conical Ribbon   
Guide Surface   


  • verified inflation and drag performance for M = 0.05 - 2.7
  • good inflation at low dynamic pressure
  • good stability
  • lower mass than conical ribbon
  • general application = supersonic drogue
  • good for main parachute, not really drogue
Hemisflo Ribbon
  • good for supersonic deployment up to Mach 3.0
  • useful for drogue application at supersonic speeds
  • hemisflo experiences less flutter and breathing of parachute
  • good performance at higher dynamic pressures
  • Phoenix drogue will not be deployed supersonically, so this is not needed
Conical Ribbon
  • good drogue deployment at speeds of M < 1.5
  • good structural integrity
  • stable
  • Apollo and Mercury drogues
  • might be hard to manufacture
Guide Surface
  • good damping characteristics
  • pressure distribution independent of oscillation angle
    • high stability
  • low drag - used for stabilizing payload that is supposed to fall quickly
  • useful for decelerating object with large wake behind it
  • more useful for aircraft
  • optimal for use at high altitudes
  • can withstand supersonic velocities
  • generates a high amount of drag for its mass
  • not useful, not really seen in industry since Goodyear
  • has not been tested that much

Common Problems and Solutions

Skirt inversion reefing 



Parachute skirt damagereinforcement, reefing, choice of material
No inflationreduce canopy porosity near vent
Flutter of canopydue to supersonic deployment, keep supersonic consideration in mind during design


Presentation by Lindsey (for reference):