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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

GR1 - Task analysis

User analysis

  1. List Owners (users who have accounts)
    Online shoppers, mostly aged between 18 and 30, who are looking for a way to keep track of items they like online
  2. List Viewers (users who may not have accounts)
    Friends of the list owners, also mostly aged between 18 and 30, who are interested in what the list owners like and may want to buy items for them

Task analysis

Tasks for List Owners


Wishdex - A user-generated list of online shopping items, on (domain to be obtained).

User analysis

  1. Serious Shopper - Aged 18-30. Uses Wishdex to bookmark items from online stores that they like. Visits Wishdex 3 times a week or more.
  2. Casual Shopper - Aged 18-30. Uses Wishdex as a wishlist, to share with their friends and family. Visits Wishdex heavily a few times a year (Christmas, Birthdays).
  3. Acquaintance - Aged 18-30. Friends of users who are mainly interested in seeing what a particular Wishdex owner likes, though are not necessarily buying items. 
  4. Gifter - Aged 5-60. Friends and family of users who are interested in buying items for the Wishdex owner.

Task analysis

  1. Manage Wishdexes - (Serious Shopper, Casual Shopper)
    Goal: keep track of online shopping items you like
    Precondition: must be logged in
    1. Add a Wishdex
    2. Delete a Wishdex
      Precondition: create and specify a Wishdex
    3. Add an item to a Wishdex
      Preconditions: create and specify a Wishdex,
    Manage wish list
    Goal: to keep track of items you like while shopping online
    1. Add an item
      Preconditions: have a link or descriptive words for an item
      Frequency: fairly often, while browsing online stores
    2. Delete item
      Precondition: specify an item
    3. Mark item as acquired or pending acquisition
      Precondition: specify an item
    4. Edit item
      Precondition: specify an item
    5. Share entire Wishdex with others (Casual Shopper)
      Precondition: have and specify a Wishdex
      Frequency: often around birthdays and other holidays, infrequently otherwise
  2. View items currently in wish list
  3. Share wish list
    Goal: to show friends/family items you like or may want to buy
    1. Share all items in list
    2. Share certain items


  1. a Wishdex - (Acquaintance, Gifter)
    Goal: see what items a user likes, express opinions on those items, and possibly buy the perfect gift for the Wishdex owner
    Precondition: have a link to follow to the Wishdex
    1. See the items in a user's Wishdex
    2. Comment on or "like" a particular item (Acquaintance)
      Precondition: must be logged in
      Frequency: 3-10 times a visit
    3. Jump to a shopping page (Amazon, etc.) for a particular item (Gifter)
      Frequency: around 5 times per visit for a Gifter
    4. Commit to buy an item by claiming it (Gifter)
      Precondition: Must be Facebook friends with owner, and logged in
      Frequency: very rarely, once every few visits for a Gifter
  2. Explore Wishdexes - (Acquaintance, Gifter, Serious Shopper)
    Goal: find interesting items, either associated with a particular person or in a particular category
    1. Find Wishdexes belonging to friends
      Precondition: must be logged in
    2. Find popular or random Wishdexes, or Wishdexes in a particular category
    3. View recent activity

Domain analysis

Image Added