Versions Compared


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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


In this section we will highlight the different aspects of the interface, and comment on our reasoning for making the choices we did.

Figure 1: Login

The first thing the user sees when opening BucketList is a plain bulletin board with a large piece of paper asking them to log in or create an account. We always planned on having the initial landing page be simple, and there were no problems with it during testing, so this part did not change very much based on user feedback. 


We made sure that each of the users who participated in final user testing use to-do lists on a regular basis and have a need to keep track of group projects, thus they all fit perfectly into our target user population. Since BucketList targets such a wide range of users, we also made sure our test subjects came from varying demographics with respect to age, location, gender, education, and technological expertise, so as not to limit ourselves to other MIT students who think too similarly to us. Many users in our evaluation were MIT student (by far the easiest to find), but we also included professionals and high-school students (found by speaking with friends and family) who we believe would benefit from BucketList. 

The following short briefing was given to each test subject before we began the evaluation:

"BucketList is a shared task-management application, allowing users to easily create group to-do lists.

Once you have an account, you can create "Buckets" - categories to put your tasks in. You can then add tasks to your existing buckets. This application is different than most task-management applications you've probably used in the past, because you can also share buckets with your friends. So, for example, you might create a "Final Group Assignment" bucket, which you will share with the rest of your group. You can then assign each person in the group individual tasks, like "do research" or "outline presentation", and monitor your progress, as a group, towards completing the project. You can also write and share notes about each task, to make sure you're all on the same page, and you can even send alerts to make sure your friends don't miss important notes.

We are going to describe a scenario for you, and ask you to use BucketList to help you accomplish your goals. This shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes. Do you have any questions before we start?"

We decided not to do a demo as part of the briefing, as we really wanted to see if users would be able to figure out how to accomplish key tasks, so we didn't want to show them first. Our application is simple enough that users can figure it out themselves, without needing to see others use it first.

Instead of giving users specific tasks to accomplish, we decided to give them a scenario with less guidance, and observer how they would use BucketList to help organize themselves. This allowed us to see which features are more important, and which features users don't attempt to use - something that would not be obvious if we specifically prompted them to use each feature. We structured the scenario in such a way that it would require the use of the entire system. 
