Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0







  • Causes a user supports appear explicitly on the home page, with labels and logos of the cause.
  • Tile/icon layouts is familiar with touch-screen phone users.
  • The home page offers a simple look, there is nothing else besides the causes (as opposed to the summary page in the second design)
  • Navigating to starting a cause or profile/account management is traditionally at the top, which is familiar for users.


  • Searching for more causes are not clearly shown. Users have to navigate to another page to do so.
  • For first-time users, their home page would be mainly empty because they haven’t chosen any cause yet. In this case, the users might be * confused as to what would go into the first page. Also, the buttons to navigate to other actions would appear abnormally small and off-center, making it harder to find.


  • Navigating to a cause is extremely fast, with just one click. Managing all the causes a user supports is also more efficient, since whatever page the user is one, he can go back to all causes with just one click.
  • Causes are displayed by their icons as tiles, which are faster to maneuver for touch phones


  • When the users have too many causes, all can’t be displayed on the screen, users have to scroll down to look for it. If the number of causes are large enough, switching back between one cause to another might be inefficient because the icons are large enough that the distances between the positions of two causes might be big.
  • Causes displayed on the home page are not grouped into categories, so if a user wants to go through all the causes belonging to one specific categories, he has to open one, go back, find another one, which is not very efficient.


  • Icons are large enough so that it is hard to click on the wrong cause.
    Even when clicked on the wrong cause, the action is easily reversible by clicking on the “Causes” button to go back to the home page


  • Again, when the users have so many causes on the homepage, trying to use touch to scroll the page down when trying to find a specific cause might cause the user to accidentally click on an icon that he doesn’t want to.







  • Everything that might be important to a user is displayed in one summary page, so the user can easily find a link to where he wants to go whether he wants to find his causes or find causes he supports. Thus, he can easily click on what he wants to do without having to navigate too much.
  • Sections stay in the same place at every sign in, so users can just instinctively click on the section they want each time.
    Organization makes it more obvious where each section is located for first time users.
  • Text can be used sparingly in order to direct users to each section.
  • Users can find each section easily without having to browse through the entire app.


  • A user might find this format cluttered if he only wants to look at either causes he supports or causes he has created (if he only focuses on one rather than both).
  • First time users might be confused by the difference between causes and causes created since he would not have anything in either category yet.


  • Navigating to either causes or cause created is equally efficient.
  • Everything is organized in a list and so can be alphabetized or sorted easily.
  • Summaries and text can quickly direct the user. No need to rely on graphics or icons that may be confusing to a user.


  • If a user only wants to go to one section, he will have to click an extra link each time he signs on in order to get there.
  • We can’t display every cause on the front page; in fact, we can only display a few since we are displaying many items on the front page. Thus, to see more, users will have to click to get to another section.


  • Users can easily click ‘back’ to get to the main page if he clicks on a wrong link.
  • All actions are clearly marked and reversible.


  • Page might be cluttered; users can accidentally click on a link and have to click ‘back,’ therefore wasting time.
