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The plans in this section address the struggling fishermen who descend from a line of fishermen, the vessel operators and meat processors, cities and towns that rely heavily on profits from fishing, the islands that have few alternatives, and entire nations whose cultures are heavily integrated with the fishing industry.

Fishermen: Livelihood

There are four options for fishermen:


Our proposed tax scheme relies heavily on collecting accurate and comprehensive data about the ecological systems of the ocean. Many researchers will be needed to collect the data necessary for setting the tax level in each region and for each population. Fishermen, with their experience and knowledge of the sea, could be given the chance to apply theor their knowledge towards research and data collection.

A precedent for onboard observation of vessels already exists. In sections 201 and 403 of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the United States requires that craft must have onboard observers for fishing expeditions within its exclusive economic zone. These observers are federal employees, with formal training in "collecting and analyzing the information necessary for the conservation and management (of fisheries)," "science and statistical analysis," and "basic vessel safety" (NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, 2007).

The EU also suggests onboard observers, but currently these observers are not mandatory and are paid for by the fishermen themselves and not by the government, creating a conflict of interest. We propose creating programs, in states most effected by this unemployment issue (not on an international scale, however, because not all countries will be affected equally by the fallout of fishery unemployment), that mandate onboard observers for fishing vessels. This program should be run through the national government so that no conflict of interest arises. In a report on the ACP-EU fisheries, the CTA and Commonwealth Secretariat suggested a perfect model for the program: "On board observer programmes should be compulsory (ensuring that no possibilities exist for circumvention). Observers should be paid through a public fund (to which EU ship owners should contribute); and not directly by the boat owner. Observers should be qualified to the same level of competence ("brevet"), ensuring the same level/quality of observership for all FPAs" (Gorez, 2003).


Part of our solution calls for encouraging the transition to sustainable fisheries. Hence, we propose that the fishermen who choose to pursue more environmentally friendly fishing techniques should be the ones to qualify for government subsidies.


We propose that the Days at Sea program be terminated and the fishery management rely on the solutions detailed in other sections of this report, including quotas.

Island Nations and Implications

Advocating a reduction in fish consumption will most immediately affect island states around the world. Many small island nations depend almost exclusively on fish for food and more specifically, as a source of protein (Natural Resources Management and Environment Department, 1996). Therefore, measures should be taken to ease the transition of these island states from relying entirely on fish for protein and energy to subsistence on other sources of food.


When the FAO offers assistance to these island nations, the revenue generated from the sale of locally produced agricultural products can be used to acquire alternative sources of protein form other nations, reducing the demand of these island nations for a constant supply of fish to satisfy protein and energy needs. Furthermore, this exchange of food resources may also increase the diversity of the local diet, improving the nutrition of the local population.

Japan: A Special Case

Japan is an especially tough country in which to implement our solutions for the following reasons:

  1. The Japanese have a culture deeply rooted in fish consumption, with a seafood per capita consumption of 70 kg per year (Kakuchi, 2003), . Also, there are many fishing villages whose traditional customs are intimately related to whaling and fish consumption (Associated Press, 2007).
  2. Japan, with a small land area, has already maximized its terrestrial food production, including a widespread aquaculture program totaling 1.5 million tons of biomass per year, or 30% of their total ingested biomass (Encyclopedia of Nations, 2007).
  3. Japan is extremely resistant to international pressure to reduce fishing and whaling: in 2006, the Sydney Morning Herald announced that Japan had hidden over US$2 billion worth of tuna, far exceeding their catch limits (Darby, 2006). Very recently, Japan announced its intention flout the International Whaling Commission (IWC) moratorium on whaling and plans to kill over nearly 1000 whales (Associated Press, 2007).  Japan is also reported to interfere with attempts by ecological organizations to intervene in its affairs (Enc 2007).


Therefore, we propose collaboration and mutual research between the UN and Japan to maintain Japan's fisheries; we hope to reach a commonly acceptable level for sustainable fishing that does not contradict international studies. This research should be done as objectively as possible, and on a UN-regulated basis in order to expedite a common solution.

Cultural Implications

Any solution to overfishing must take into account the cultural implications that it will have to those cultures focused around fish. Perhaps more important however, is the fact that certain cultures are fueling the problem of overfishing.


It is essential to clearly demonstrate the state of the global fisheries to countries and cultures that rely heavily on fish, a task which the educational component of our solution hopes to achieve. If these countries and cultures can be encouraged to take the initiative on sustainability issues, our solution has the potential to be very effective.

Completed, correct citations

Darby, A. (12 August 2006). Revealed: how Japan caught and hid $2b worth of rare tuna. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved November 23, 2007, from:

Enviornment News Service. (2007, November 20). Japan's whaling fleet sails despite international censure. International Daily Newswire. Retrieved November 22, 2007, from
