Here are some old documents from MITAA's CMS selection process.

  File Modified
PDF File KMC_EvaluateCMS.pdf Found on the web: some things to consider when choosing a CMS Sep 16, 2008 10:34 by Janet Riley Bowker
Microsoft Excel Sheet CMS-ScoreCard.xls MITAA's evaluation of CMS's, from 2006 Sep 16, 2008 10:03 by Janet Riley Bowker
Microsoft Word 97 Document CMSs_reviewed_status_WRD.doc an old in-progress rough draft of the IS&T Website product review, may be of interest Sep 16, 2008 10:34 by Janet Riley Bowker
Microsoft Word 97 Document CMSReviewDocMO.doc another in-progress doc about CMS product selection from IS&T website Sep 16, 2008 10:34 by Janet Riley Bowker
Microsoft Word 97 Document CMS_Vendor_Questions_12_06_06.doc MITAA's selection criteria for CMS from 12/2006 Sep 16, 2008 10:03 by Janet Riley Bowker
Microsoft Word 97 Document CMS_Assessment_Final_Redux.doc MITAA's notes from their own CMS evaluation Sep 16, 2008 10:03 by Janet Riley Bowker

Also of interest:
Proof of Concept includes the Product Selection Summary in the attachments. The summary includes a list of products considered, plus details of the evaluation.

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