• Kayak
    • sensor placement
      • will look around for a model of the kayak to run a simulation
    • ordered material for tabs--to fabricate in the next week before Jeff leaves
  • Big Red Simulation
    • presented movies of pressure contours
    • we can use this data to begin programming control of maneuvering
    • next week will visualize with slice polar plots
  • Amy
    • presented fish with pressure sensors on the nose design
    • discussed cheaper sensors
    • fabrication method--SLA, PDA, machining
  • Frank
    • sensor array mounted to plexiglass backing
    • still investigating stuff before taking it to the tow tank
  • vanishing foil
    • presented results with elliptical wing tip
  • Whisker paper
    • differentiating wakes from different paddle sizes and shapes
  • No labels