Alison Bell will join Release Core for the next three team meetings - welcome Alison!

Libraries sponsor meeting being postponed- TBD

Formalizing Requirements

  • Nancy Gift will be doing user stories with us
  • brainstorm on "backend" personas:
    • Help Desk Consultant (Chris Gresham)
    • Software Distribution Consultant (Chris Gresham)
    • Desktop Software Release Team Member (Patrick McNeal)
    • Tier III Support Staff (Steve Landry)
    • Operations (Garry Zacheiss)
    • IT Manager (Oliver Thomas)
  • follow up meeting 12/9 with Nancy

Data Dictionary

  • noun, definition and flag for conflict
  • wiki as repository
  • Pat will set up the wiki by 11/24
  • team will collaborate on wiki over next week
  • look at progress on dictionary 12/2

Tool Discovery

  • Steve will begin looking at tools and systems to get an idea of what's out there, compare data dictionaries, integration  

Coordination with Service Catalog

  • need an appetite for support and maintenance of a living website for this to be successful
  • Alison will socialize idea of splitting the Website Redesign into phases
    • Phase I: website redesign with basic service catalog
    • Phase II: sourcing the data in the catalog (feed from portfolio)
  • No labels