This is the draft text for the "help" document accessed via the CAMS Login page:

The MIT Touchstone, or,  Collaboration Accounts Management System (CAMS) is intended to be a simple to use accounts management system that provides self-registration and self-service capabalities for a variety of users. MIT has created the Touchstone Collaboration Accounts management system as a Shibboleth identity provider. Any person that needs an online identity to access MIT Touchstone enabled applications and/or InCommon Federation accessisble applications may register for a Touchstone Collaboration Account. The accounts may be used to securely authenticate to a variety of applications hosted by members of the InCommon Federation.

People that have an MIT Kerberos username do not need to create a Collaboration Account, such an account will provide MIT users with no new capabilities. The same is generally true for any person that has an existing account with other members of the InCommon Federation.

Touchstone Collaboration Accounts are:

  • Free
  • created via a simple to use web browser accessible interface
  • Shibboleth Single Sign On enabled
  • updateable via a self-service browser interface
  • based on open standards including SAML, Shibboleth, and OpenID

Touchstone Collaboration Accounts provide the following services:

  • self service user account registration and maintenance
  • authentication
  • self-service password management and resets
  • Shibboleth/SAML attribute releases

The identity provider will perform the following attribute releases:

  • HTTP_SHIB_INETORGPERSON_DISPLAYNAME, First name and last name of the registered account
  • REMOTE_USER, which will be an EduPersonPrincipalName (EPPN) scoped to
  • HTTP_SHIB_INETORGPERSON_MAIL, the email address that the user entered when registering for the account
  • HTTP_SHIB_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD, which will indicate if the user used theier Touchstone password, OpenID, or Kerberos tickets to initially authenticate to the IdP.

People may register for a Collaboration Account at

For additional help, please use this request form.

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