This release includes two part:

1. redeploy the thalia war file on isda-thalia5 and 8

The war file is at /home/isdasnap/sprint7-patch/thalia/target/ROOT.war

2. group web scripts need to be updated
ThaliaWebscript.jar and are changed to fix th-1566: check for valid moira groups before adding groups

In /home/isdasnap/sprint7-patch/groups/setupgroups on isda-build1

copy ThaliaWebscript.jar to tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib under the ALF_HOME directory on isda-thalia6

copy to tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/webscripts under the ALF_HOME directory on isda-thalia6

restart alfresco

3. Thalia User Help, Quickstart videos, and the "about" page need to be updated.
They are located on the staging server at:

    1. /home/www/sash-server/servers/thalia/webapps/help
    2. /home/www/sash-server/servers/thalia/webapps/quickstarts
    3. /home/www/sash-server/servers/thalia/webapps/about.

4. Disable two domains by redirecting them to in apache configuration for both http and https

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