Key Components for computing at MIT

A. Network
B. Kerberos/Certificates
C. Printing
D. 3rd Party Software
E. Email/Calendaring
F. Instant Messaging
G. Web Browser
H. Security/Software Update
J. Backup
K. Filesystem/AFS
L. Remote access configuration: Athena 10 proposes to eliminate this.

Classes of Service

Based on who owns/manages the system:

  • IS&T Owned and Managed
  • Managed by Department Lab or Center
  • Managed by individual owner.

Use Cases

  • General Purpose Computing
    • Connectivity/Communication
    • Document Preparation
  • Courseware i.e. Applications tailored for use in teaching.
    • Often consistency, e.g. the same app. version for all students in a class is important.
  • Research i.e. Applications tailored to scientific use.
  • Special Purpose Computing
    • Distributed Computing
    • Academic Computing Testbed
    • Collaborative Spaces
    • High Performance Computing
    • High Performance Graphics
    • Virtualized Computing Environments
  • Various Different User Focus
    • All Students
    • Administrators
    • Researchers
    • Access restrictions based on DLC ownership.
    • Special hardware purchased by system owner

Key OS Distributions:

  1. Redhat / CentOS / Fedora
  2. Debian / Ubuntu
  3. "bsd" which could include MacOS and Solaris
  4. Gentoo
  5. SuSe: SLES/SLED/OpenSuSE
  • No labels