Pen Knife, Utility Knife, Olfa Knife

This activity is listed as:


🟢Green OK to proceed following specified procedures

Minimum required PPE and precautions (more may be required based on circumstance)

  • Safety glasses
  • Closed toed shoes

Most important safety considerations (issues, resources, advice, warnings)

  • Never cut towards yourself

  • Do not force tool, if it is hard to cut then you are doing something wrong

  • Change blades in utility knives often; dull blades cause injuries

  • When you dispose of blades, encapsulate them in something that prevents others from being cut if they handle garbage bags, etc...

  • Treat this tool with respect, cuts to the hands are the most common injuries in making on MIT campus

Most important considerations in the use of the tool/technology (issues, resources, advice, warnings)

  • N/A

Links or info about video/images and complementary or alternative tools/tech to consider

  • N/A

Forms and contact information required to obtain approval to use this technology/tools