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Detailed QR Text and Metrics, for a CSS-internal audience

  1. Application User Experience
    1. ATIC, maryz
    2. Publications, mwiklund
    3. Training, mwiklund
  2. Departmental Services
    1. DCAD, jlreed.
    1. MDS, lavallch.
  3. Help Service Desk, goguen
  4. ITSS, tjm
  5. Publications, mwiklund
    1. Software Licensing and Distribution, cgresham
    2. Telephone Client Support, janat
  6. TrainingITSS, mwiklundtjm
  7. Faculty Student Experience, othomas 
  8. *Overall CSS Measures, smyser


Each team or Manageriat should compose a one-pager For FY2010, each directorate will submit a two page report consisting of bullet points in these areas:

  • Accomplishments in this Quarter
  • Challenges Being Faced
  • Work Expected in Next Quarter

Each directorate will also submit up to two pages of metrics with analysis.

The latest published quarterly reports are always available at -- here's where to go see what the other directorates say about themselves.