At the 9/28/2019 work session, a subset of the composites team made fin fillets with Proline. 


What happened

4x large fillets were completed: 

  • 1.25" Proline Only
  • 1.5" Proline Only
  • 1.25" Proline on top
  • 1.5" Proline on top

~8-10 team members worked on this project! 

(Not all pictured)

Carbocyl amounts varied: 

Min: 2.4g Max: 3.4g. After 3-4 bowls a standard value of ~2.7g was used. 





Good things

Most team members were spread across tasks once in the swing of things. 2-3 were mixing epoxy and adding carbocyl, 4-5 were working the fillets. 


Not so good things

  • Fin tools were very bendy for the large fillets. 
  • We lost 2 bowls of 11 due to adding too much carbocyl and spending too much time mixing. The epoxy set in the bowl before we could add it. 
  • Table management: most of the table had proline on it by the end, contaminating the scale and bottom sides of test coupons
  • We underestimated the volume of proline and ran out of proline. 

Action Items

  • Several team members expressed lack of clarity of the task at hand, to combat this: 
  • Write a brief SOP with at least the following details
    • Type of epoxy used & mix ratio
    • Amount of carbocyl to add to epoxy
    • How long to mix pre-carbocyl and during carbocyl (make sure it's fast enough, but mixed well enough)
    • Photos showing how to use the fin tools (clarify which angles are 90 degrees and which are 45)
    • An example of how viscous the epoxy/carbocyl mixture should be
    • How to measure the mass of completed fillets
    • Clean tools in between fillets
  • More formally organize groups – team members expressed interest in more structure & tasks
    • Sub-leads do more things

  • Lots of things were dirty:
    • Fix table management: designate wet areas and dry areas for mixing epoxy, applying fillets

  • No labels