Decision: Go with Windows XP to start

 If we document the process well, it should only be a few hours extra work to create a new image with whichever operating system we want at a later time.  We will still need to test the new VM.

Windows XP


  • Smallest footprint (fewest GB for base OS)
  • Well understood
  • All the applications run on XP
  • Provides access to XP only apps on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Mac OS
  • Still maintained and supported by Microsoft
  • Already tested by DUSP for this purpose
  • Fairly robust and stable


  • Lacks features of Vista and Windows 7 (not critical)
  • Lacks KMS (Key Management Service) support to mitigate risk of MIT's Windows license being abused

Windows Vista


  • Includes more features than XP such as Aero, Windows Gallery etc. (not critical)
  • Support KMS - lower risk for MIT's Windows license being abused
  • More modern


  • Generally not liked in community
  • Not all applications of interest run well under Vista
  • Bigger footprint (base OS install)
  • Considered buggy

Windows 7


  • Most recent OS
  • Reported to fix number of Vista short comings
  • Supports KMS - lower risk for MIT's Windows license being abused
  • Added features over XP & Vista


  • Untested in MIT evnironment
  • Least understood Windows OS as of now
  • Minor work around needed to get ethernet driver to work under VMware Workstation
  • Applications may not be supported under Windows 7, yet
  • No labels