Research Publications: (or MIT publications)
*Scanning-*Has any part of this collection been digitized?
If yes, then who scanned the items?
Where were they scanned?
Where are the digital copies?
When were the items scanned?
What specifications were used?
Full- text searchable
What dpi?
Color, grayscale, or bitonal?
How many need to be scanned, total number items, total page count if possible?
Who is doing the scanning?
Overhead, sheet fed, requirements for scanning
*Preservation-*Will these arrive in one load or by batch? (for storage and process handling)
Binding types and approx. percentages of each type
Sense of condition – as an overview
Page count
Spiral Bound
Loose sheets
Fold out sheets
Fragile Pages
Old photocopies
Consult with team first prior to spreadsheet creation
Do you have student hours to contribute to the project?
Where will the original be stored after scanning
Disbinding may have to rebind, staple or batch binding
Who discards copies? CSU
The library has to allocate staff to inventory the collection
Do you have staff time dedicated to this project? Date range
Age of physical materials, the carrier? Reprints, reformatted
Are their duplicates?
How do we decide which is the best copy if duplicates (see Ann Marie’s wiki page about Energy reports about preferences in choices)
Are there any rare archives items that require security or on-site scanning Timeframe on the project? Are there any events dictating the schedule of the project? *Metadata-*Number of items
What kinds of “things” do you have in this collection (events, notebooks, MIT 150 had events, resources and files. Edgerton and notebooks and pages. Whirlwind had reports. RLE has reports, sections.)
File formats
Cataloger in mind? Have you allocated resources. Do you have funding? Or are you seeking funding?
Imagine dissementation or publication streams? Flickr, youtube, DOME, DSpace, etc…
Do you have a project schedule, presentation, a deadline in mind?
Intended audience?
Content date
Carrier date
Repository intentions?
Content Management system in mind or used (IRIS, Archivist Toolkit, Filemaker, Barton, etc…)