Upcoming GECD Career Services Events

Practice Makes Perfect: Group Mock Interviews

Monday, October 15, 2-3pm, 8-119

In this group mock interview session, students will have a unique chance to practice and sharpen their interview skills. We will briefly review interviewing wisdom, discuss the art of giving and receiving feedback, then all participants will have a chance to answer questions and get feedback on their responses. Students who participate should first attend one of our in-person interviewing workshops or listen to our online workshop, Effective Interviewing, at http://gecd.mit.edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/workshop/interviewing/index.htm. Registration for this workshop will be open on October 5th.  Limited to 18.  Drop-ins may be able to attend. 


Essay Writing for Graduate & Professional School Applications

Tuesday, October 16, 12:30-1:30pm, 5-234

This interactive workshop will discuss the elements of a good graduate school application essay and will provide tips and strategies to get you started writing. We will discuss topics ranging from how to tackle the question, brainstorming content, and how to structure your writing for maximum impact when applying to school.

Negotiating Job Offers

Tuesday, October 16, 3:30-5pm, room 3-133

The Negotiating Job Offers workshop will examine the many variables that exist during the evaluation and negotiation process of Job Offers. Knowing how, when and why you should negotiate will be reviewed. Salary vs. Total Compensation will be examined.  Strategies on the negotiation process will be discussed along with “Should You Negotiate?” and "What Can" and "What Can Not" be negotiated. These strategies can be used throughout your career.


LinkedIn Lab

Wednesday, October 17, 2:30-4pm, 1-242

Registration required through CareerBridge (www.myinterfase.com/mit/students, click on Events tab)

Bring your laptop to explore the many ways LinkedIn can help you in your career exploration and job or internship search. We will begin with an overview of LinkedIn and some of the key areas of a complete LinkedIn profile. This will be followed by individual work on your profile, with Career Services staff available to answer your questions.

Required: Set up a free account at Linkedin.com and begin to fill in your profile prior to the workshop. Bring a laptop to the workshop. Limited to 15 students.

Networking 101: How to work the room and work your contacts

Wednesday, October 17, 4:30-5:30, 56-114

Building relationships through networking with fellow students, alumni and professionals is one of the most effective ways to uncover employment opportunities. However, contrary to popular opinion, there is a right way and wrong way to network. This workshop introduces you to resources you’ll need to research companies and discuss strategies on how to effectively network using resources both at MIT and beyond. We will examine effective tactics for networking, including the use of social media and the MIT ICAN Alumni Directory.

Virtual Graduate School Fair

Thursday, October 18, registration and event at http://gradschools.careereco.net

Register today for the 3rd annual Virtual Graduate School Fair, featuring 18 schools covering engineering, law, business, science, public policy, humanities, environmental sciences…both in the US and abroad. This is a fantastic opportunity to chat online with admissions representatives to learn more about these programs, admissions requirements, and make yourself known to schools of interest!


Putting Your Degree to Work: Practical Career Strategies for PhDs and Postdocs

Thursday, October 18, 2:30-4:30pm, 54-100

Presented by Peter Fiske, PhD
Many career avenues are open to young scientists and engineers in the current work environment.  MIT students and post docs are intrigued to consider their expanding opportunities, but may not know what these options are or how to pursue them.  How do you transition from grad school or postdoctoral work to that next bold step in your career? 

Peter Fiske, PhD. is President and CEO of PAX Water Technologies, Inc.  He is a nationally-recognized lecturer on the subject of leadership and career development for young scientists and engineers, and the author of Put Your Science to Work: The Take-Charge Career Guide for Scientists.  Prior to PAX Water, Fiske was co-founder and VP for Business Development and Sales at RAPT Industries, and led a research team at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.  He also served a one year term as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Special Projects.   

Fiske holds a Ph.D. in Geological and Environmental Sciences from Stanford University and an MBA from U.C. Berkeley.  In addition to two books, Fiske is author of numerous technical articles, and writes the on-line column Opportunities for the AAAS.  He co-writes the blog Engineering Scientists. 

Among the topics Dr. Fiske will cover:

·         Employment trends and opportunities for PhDs

·         Effective career planning and job hunting

·         Your sought-after skills and experience

·         Presenting yourself well: CV, resume and cover letter

Open to: MIT Graduate Students, Undergraduates & Postdocs and others interested in the topic (faculty and administrators welcome). Sponsored by MIT Global Education & Career Development. Register on CareerBridge.

Strategies for Securing a Position in Finance (panel)

Tuesday, October 23, 4:30-5:30pm, 4-237

If you are interested in the Finance industry, don’t miss this event.  Hear the employer perspective on how to tailor your resume and prepare for interviews as you explore opportunities in the world of Finance. Learn how effective key words and achievements other than course work will set you apart. Learn what employers are seeking when they look at your resume and conduct interviews, and what mistakes to avoid in preparation for your job search. This workshop is open to undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni.


Unlocking the Secrets of Company Databases

Wednesday, October 24, 3:30-4:30, 32-155

Have you ever wanted to know all the companies that do what you think you want to do after MIT, or this coming summer?  Have you ever wished there was just a list of companies you might be interested in?  Do you want to work in a specific part of the world?  Come learn how to use the library databases, and uncover the companies that are missing from your job search.  Participants are asked to bring their own laptop or tablet as Career Services, in collaboration with the MIT Libraries, will go step-by-step and teach how these effective tools will provide information that could be your key to finding the right company for you.

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